Battling Lyme Disease is Biological Warfare

By Herb Roi Richards

Battling Lyme disease is biological warfare with victims of chronic Lyme fighting for their lives, against a bio-weapon which is collateral damage from cold war germ warfare operations executed by the US military.

What they forgot to tell you is that Lyme disease was designed to be spread by ticks but once it got into the population of humans and animals they take over the job of spreading Lyme disease and a tick is no longer necessary.

Does that mean you now can’t get it from a tick?

Once these infections get into the humans and animals and they get bitten by a mosquito, flea, etc. there is a whole new bunch of carriers to spread the infection.

That simply means you can now get it from any biting insect and from anyone who has it.

Lyme disease was designed to be very contagious and to disable as much of a targeted population as possible.

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According to the records, it is a mixture of at least two species of spirochetes, two viruses, and least two different bacteria to make someone infected almost impossible to diagnose.

Dr. Willy Bergdorfer finding only one kind of spirochete as the cause of Lyme disease misled the medical community to look for and treat a single cause.

Now we know that infected ticks were sprayed over Cuba by an Air America plane so the germ warfare people should have realized that those actions would come back to bite us and not just stay in Cuba, and actually wouldn’t die on their own accord.

Because Lyme disease is caused by a cocktail of pathogens, the only known way to be sure you have gotten rid of it is to use a broad-spectrum pathogen killer, rather than am antibiotic targeting just one bacterium.

The irony of the situation is that such a pathogen killer is used to purify water, sterilize meat, vegetables, and chicken products, so it is produced in industrial quantities and is very inexpensive in the tiny quantities it takes to get rid of the Lyme disease hybrid intended for use in biological warfare.

It’ll probably only cost you $50.00 or $75.00 to do your whole family, including your pets.

Why the whole family?

Lyme disease is very contagious, so if one of you has it, you’ve all got it, even though each of you will probably have entirely different symptoms.

Why different symptoms?

All of these pathogens go to the weakest spot in every victim to establish their colony, so everyone could have the same set of pathogens and entirely different symptoms.

In our case, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, and my wife, who got it from me, had extreme digestive problems.

What antibiotic-trained doctor would believe we both had the same dis-ease?

We all know the answer to that; no doctor!

Unless you have a very rare open-minded health professional, you have little chance of getting rid of Lye disease.

Fortunately, you can take a short course very inexpensively from Leading Edge University and be rid of chronic Lyme disease in about a year of do-it-yourself treatment for about $50.00.

The course will arm you with the simple protocols so you need no one else’s help.

Since there is no money to be made in this simple treatment, the mainstream medical money system will do everything they can to discourage you.

This treatment uses such a tiny amount of this powerful pathogen killer (1 to 3 drops) it’s almost impossible to get it wrong.

The course covers what happens if you try to use too much of it at a time and how to counter and adjust the results.




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