NACS Water purifier (MMS) product is what we took for killing Lyme disease Spirochetes: Reiki Ranch Store – Google these words
NACS Water Purification Drops (WPD)
According to author Herb “Roi” Richards in his book, Lyme Disease Non-medical Diagnosis and Treatment, “You can get expensive tests at hundreds of dollars each so you can brag about the brand name of your sickness or spend $30.00 for a set of WP and personally take responsibility for researching and taking care of your problem.”
This is the $30 Test for Lyme Disease

These two little 4 oz. bottles make up a set of Master Mineral Solution — also called WP set. It is easy to mix and take to eradicate the bacteria causing Fibromyalgia, Lupus and/or Lyme disease.
It is only $30 for a 6-months supply. It costs about $1 a week to take drops 8 to 10 times a day/ 7 days a week! This is what Roi and Taylore took to rid their bodies of Lyme disease. Call the hotline to order: 1-360-748-four426.
Ten million people worldwide are using the WP (chlorine dioxide) to improve their immune systems and there are many testimonials on the web. Google is hiding search results for this product, and has several pages of warnings for this product. Amazon has taken down all books on MMS 1 year before Covid. Why are they hiding this?
The “$25 Test for Lyme Disease”, after 10 years now costs $30 because of inflation: Buy the WP set of two small bottles (4 oz. of sodium Chlorite 28% and 4 oz. of Citric Acid 50%) and try the MMS Protocol 1000 for only 3 weeks. Start slow and easy so you will not have a Herxheimer reaction.
That is an inexpensive and simple test to see if you feel better after 3 weeks on the WP drops! Instructions are in the Amazon Kindle and book.
Kill the bacteria and the pain goes away– at least for me and Roi! “Non medical Diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease!”
This book at Amazon on the book –. The book only costs $7.00.
WANT to try the Chlorine Dioxide?
In the video is Roi
IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical Lyme Disease professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance, or treatment.
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I read the book and I am interested in buying the wp
ANSWER: Google these words – “NACS Water Purification Drops (WPD)”
We wish you good fortune and quick recovery. Remember to go slow!
BOOK INFORMATION on the same website as the WPD
I need the $25 test for Lyme disease! by CT
I found this site I thought I would share my story…I was infected when I was 7, that was 1987. I was on amoxicillin for 7-10 days. It sure wasn’t enough. I think treating as aggressively as possible in the beginning is so important. I was bitten on my right ear lobe. A few weeks later flu like, vomiting, fever, I couldn’t walk because my groin muscles or ligaments wouldn’t move, it was very painful. My symptoms miraculously cleared up, my pediatrician wanted to send me to Children’s Hospital but since I walked into his office smiling, happy to be feeling “better”, he was happy with that and said it was blood sepsis or JRA and I would be fine. Remember kids are little troopers, they endure more than we give them credit for and many push through pain, in order to please their parents and loved ones, many kids don’t want to see their parents worry so they hide their troubles as best they can.
I could have used some validation but I had little by 17, I had attempted suicide while being treated by a psychiatrist for rage, bipolar, schizophrenia. Besides all the symptoms, chest pain, heart palps, migraines with aura, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, bone loss in my jaw, no 12yr molars, no wisdom teeth development, vaso vagal reflex, syncope (about 4-6x year), I’ve had to have several surgeries to clear out scar tissue in my jaw and knee, these joints just started giving out swelling and then I’d just fall when I was about 8yo. Fatigue, and my teachers thought I was distracted, and overly emotional, stomach aches, interstitial cystitis, and memory problems.
My parents had no support, there was no special needs child diagnosis, I had no sisters or brothers. It’s been a long road, but I’m a much stronger person for having lived it, I tried many coping mechanisms, Buddhism, yoga, laughter, drugs, and everything else good, bad and otherwise. My favorite thing my stepdaughter says to me sometimes is “is everything alright?” because for so many years people have said to me “what’s wrong?” I can deal with what’s alright, it’s the little things in my life now. It’s kind of a lot for me to share this so thanks for reading. CT
ANSWER: The $25 test for Lyme Disease is that you buy the two-bottle set of the Water Purifier. Yes only pay $25 and take the test. Take the WP for a month and see if your body feels better. Could the test be so simple? Take this stuff like Genesis 2 Church recommends. If the problems go away you have your answer to the test don’t you? Does it matter what brand name the critters have?
I want to order your product please contact me how to. LUCIA
Check out the NACS water purifier on the site. Or just use the search engines:
NACS Water Purifier
I have Lyme disease of 40 years. I almost died 3 times last year. I would like to try this again. The last time I vomited too much because of the taste. How can we resolve this horrible taste so I can drink without vomiting? Please respond.
ANSWER: I have bought empty veggie capsules at the health food store (the large ones). I Mixed up the Chlorine Dioxide (three drops of each bottle) – I put a few drops of water into the mixture and then with an eye dropper filled one or two capsules and took them with a glass of water.
There must be videos on different ways to take it. With dogs and cats they have 600 % more HCL in their digestive systems and it will activate automatically when added to their water in a plastic or glass bowl. Do not use aluminum.
Thank you for continuing to share this information and make it available. I just finished reading your book in one sitting and look forward to being able to share great results with others that are suffering.